Ever wondered what to do with your prefolds after your youngest is ready to start potty training? Is your child interested in learning to use the potty but not ready for regular underpants yet? Then these are for you. These pants were all made using a unbleached toddler size prefold (premiums can be used as well, even infant size can be used, although you will have blocks on the side where I had to piece them together) cut in such a way that the absorbent part of the prefold is the absorbent part of the pants. What could be better than being able to use something you didn't think you could use anymore? For $3 each, or 2 for $5, you pay shipping to me, and I will pay the shipping back to you.
Curious about size? My small size fits a waist of 12-18", a thigh of 7-12", and a rise of 16-19", depending on whether the bikini cut or high waist is chosen. My medium size fits a waist of 18-24", a thigh of 9-13", and a rise of 17-21", while my large fits a waist of 20-30", a thigh of 14-20", and a rise of 20-23".
Uncorked Bag
5 years ago